From mad4pa <>
Subject Historic:
Date June 17, 2020 1:05 PM
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Dear Friend,

Today the House will be marking up the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020 in the Judiciary Committee.

Simply put, this is a historic moment.

And it's long overdue that we listen to Black Americans and their needs, and we no longer turn away from or allow the profiling, surveilling, and killing of Black Americans.

To watch this historic work live at 10 AM, click here. [link removed]

Here's some of what this bill will accomplish:

Holding police accountable in our courts
Improving transparency into policing by collecting better and more accurate data of police misconduct
Improving police training and practices
Making lynching a federal crime

This work is long overdue—and it continues to not be enough—but Mad and her colleagues are taking immediate steps with the promise of continued action.

Tune in here to hear this historic work unfold: [link removed]

To all of Mad's supporters who signed one of her petitions last week, thank you—we must fight for justice together.

Team Dean

Madeleine is an attorney, professor, mother, grandmother, and Member of Congress, representing Pennsylvania’s 4th Congressional District of Berks and Montgomery Counties. She is an outspoken leader who champions progressive priorities such as education, universal access to healthcare, gun safety, and ethical government. Madeleine Dean has built a reputation for getting things done, and we need her to continue to be our voice to serve us in Congress.

Email is the best way for us to keep you informed about what’s happening with the campaign, and we are excited to have you on Team Dean! Our campaign is funded by people who care about our democracy and want to see continued progress in our community and in our country. If you'd like to donate, click here.

If you’d like to volunteer, click here.

If you’d like to unsubscribe, we hate to see you go, but click here to [link removed].

| Paid for by Mad 4 PA PAC |

Mad 4 PA PAC
PO Box 444
Glenside, PA 19038 United States
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