Dear John --

The news that last week two travellers with COVID-19 left the Novotel Hotel in Auckland and travelled to Wellington without being tested has shocked the nation.

Today it was revealed that 320 people have been identified as “close contacts” of the two people.

I suspect your reaction to this news was just like me: disbelief, worry, and anger.

This afternoon I spoke in Parliament’s general debate about this appalling situation.

Click here to watch my speech

The stakes for New Zealand could not be higher. The team of five million have sacrificed so much for this great country. Now, thanks to government incompetence, that is all at risk.

New Zealand faces the biggest economic crisis in 160 years. 37,500 people lost their job in April. 80,000 are expected to lose their jobs by the election and as many as 120,000 by Christmas. The level of debt is at a level we have never seen before.

The country rightly looks to the Government and expects them to have our borders under control.

Heads must roll over this debacle. Today I called for the Prime Minister to sack David Clark. If going mountain biking during lockdown, or moving house isn’t enough, then surely this is.

This weak Ardern government cannot deliver under pressure.

National can, and our team will after September 19.

That is why we must win the next election. Your donation now will make a massive difference. We need your support.

Can you chip into our Campaign Fighting Fund right now?

Click here to chip in $30

Click here to chip in $50

Click here to chip in $100

New Zealand needs a National government and I would love your help so we can achieve that.

Thanks for your support


Todd Muller
Leader of the National Party

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