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The men allege they are victims of religious persecution by the Indian government, which is led by the rightwing Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP), known for its anti-Muslim agenda.
A Christian charity is calling for MP's to reject new abortion regulations for Northern Ireland that "discriminate against people with disabilities" after Members of the House of Lords at Westminster voted to approve them.
A Sheffield beer company has apologised following backlash from the Hindu community over the "highly inappropriate" and "very disrespectful" title of one of its drinks.
Harrow Central Mosque withdrew its application to modify a planning condition that could have allowed it to play the adhan once a week – on Fridays at 6pm – for a period of three months.
The Church of England has become embroiled in a racism row for turning down a black trainee vicar because a "monochrome white working class" area might make him feel "uncomfortable".
A number of victims' groups called for Brendan McAllister to stand down, or be removed from his post, after it became apparent he has been officiating at Catholic church services at St Peter's in Warrenpoint.
The landmark June 15 Supreme Court ruling protecting gay and transgender people from employment discrimination based on sex has raised concern among religious organisations.
After being freed from prison, Hegazy was granted asylum in Canada, but continued to suffer from PTSD and depression caused by her traumatic imprisonment.
The Education and Workforce Committee's report to the House of Parliament last week on the Education and Training Bill shows that they have failed to listen to much of the feedback they received from the public about the discriminatory practice of allowing religious instruction in schools.
Humza Yousaf has claimed a bill he's proposing isn't a threat to free speech because it sets a high threshold for criminality. But his careless words suggest he isn't taking concerns seriously, says Chris Sloggett.
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