I have no good words to express how I am feeling in this moment, so I will skip that. What I can offer is hope that you're finding moments of joy and inspiration that fuel you each day, even when the days feel so acutely challenging and exhausting.
News coverage of uprisings nationwide over the last few weeks have exposed so much about this country (and this world) and the deadly outcomes of infrastructure built on racism and ableism.
It’s heartening to see so many people speak out and say that Black Lives Matter, but it’s clear that for many of us, confronting the discomfort of racism can feel really immobilizing, and it’s often hard to know where to begin.
So where do we begin? With dinner of course! I have invited some friends to join me for a (remote, virtual) dinner party this Thursday night. We’ll have an accessible, open, tender, transparent, and raw conversation, centering women, race, racism, marginalization, and care. And you’re invited to listen in.
Join us at 8PM Eastern, 5PM Pacific, for a special live dinner conversation about race. You can RSVP here.
Now is not the time for those of us who are feeling awakened, agitated, uncomfortable, or inspired to say and do nothing out of fear of saying the wrong thing. There aren’t easy blueprints for having heart-centered conversations about the impact of racism and the roles we all play. There aren’t easy, comfortable blueprints for dismantling white supremacy. There aren’t easy ways to confront racism in our systems, including the care system we’re all connected to. That’s why we need to talk!
The guests for this dinner conversation come from a wide variety of backgrounds. None of us are perfect, and we will embrace imperfection as we have an honest conversation about race and the impacts of racism can look like.
We hope you’ll join us for this conversation on Thursday at 8PM Eastern, 5PM Pacific.
RSVP here for information about how to watch the conversation unfold online.
With care and solidarity,

Josie Kalipeni
Director of Policy and Federal Affairs
Caring Across Generations