Dear Friend,
Never have I seen so many Americans acknowledge systemic injustice and demand that our country do better. People from all backgrounds are finally calling for long-overdue systemic reforms to policing and for the redirection of funds to protect Black lives and ensure justice for all people of color.
Congress has not yet caught up. Tomorrow, June 17th, the House is considering ways to improve the Justice in Policing Act, which is a very broad set of reforms intended to protect everyday Americans from police violence.
There are some good things in this bill: a ban on chokeholds, a ban on racial and religious profiling, and mandated body and dashboard cameras. Any of these reforms will absolutely save lives. But America is demanding more — and so are we.
We want your help to make this bill better. For example, this bill should outright ban the police use of military weapons. It should end immunity for police officers who kill. It should re-examine all federal funding of policing.
Will you click here to let your member of Congress know that America demands more?
Thank you for taking action. Black lives matter is not just a slogan, it’s a commitment we must put into action.
Naheed Qureshi
Deputy Director
Muslim Advocates