It's action time for 2020 Census.
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An easy way to build our collective power
Take the 2020 Census
Advocate, as the fight for justice and equality surges through our nation, don't forget about this easy way to build our collective power — take the 2020 Census!

Join us tomorrow for a Digital Day of Action and ensure your community gets the resources it deserves.

Being counted in the census can ensure you get your fair share of funding for fundamental rights like health care, food, and housing... a say in who leads the political institutions that have the power to protect or harm us... and the ability to gather the evidence needed to protect people from discrimination.

Most importantly, being counted fuels a democracy where every voice matters and every vote is valued.

Go to to take the census.

Remember, when we're missing from the census, our existence and our struggles are erased from the story of America. Don't let that happen. Take the 2020 Census now.

— The Leadership Conference

P.S. If you've already participated, thank you for getting counted! Don't forget to encourage your friends and family to do the same on Facebook and Twitter. Let them know, it's as easy as responding online, calling the Census Bureau, or responding through the mailer they should have received in April.
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1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 466-3311
Fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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