
When we started our vote by mail lawsuit, we promised Texas voters that we'd never stop fighting for their right to vote.

Today, we are continuing our promise by petitioning the United States Supreme Court to provide all Texans their free, fair, and equal right to vote.

There's no logical reason for those whose 65th birthday is the day after Election Day to have to go to the polling place in person while their 65-year-old spouse can vote a mail ballot -- especially during the worst pandemic in a century.

Let's make no mistake about why we're back at the Supreme Court again. Texas Republicans are hell-bent on discriminating against and blocking Texas' new diverse majority from casting their ballot. We have not -- and never will -- stand by as Republicans discriminate against hard-working Texans trying to cast their ballot.

We are proud to bring this case to the Supreme Court to make voting easier and more equal for all Texans. We need your help. Can you chip in a $7 contribution to our voter protection fund?


Gilberto Hinojosa
Chair, Texas Democratic Party

Our movement is powered by small-donor donations like yours. This is our moment. Your continued support means that we will continue building to November and beyond. Will you rush a $7 contribution to our voter protection fund?

Paid for by the Texas Democratic Party (www.txdemocrats.org)
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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