The bad news is we officially just missed our June mid-month fundraising goal, friends. And this couldn't have come at a worse time, with the RNC attacking me personally and the GOP raising over $675 MILLION to pour into swing states like Florida.
I don't have to tell you what's at stake if Democrats lose our House majority. More lives lost to preventable shootings because the NRA will keep calling the shots. More handouts to special interests who care more about their bottom line than Floridians' access to affordable health care.
So here's the good news: Since winning in Florida is so important, a group of fired up Florida donors is matching all donations until 11:59 p.m. tonight. But meeting our fundraising goal and keeping the House blue depends on grassroots supporters like you, friends: Please, give now to have every dollar DOUBLED toward our goal and help keep the House blue this year.
The coronavirus crisis has shown us just how much is on the line in November. President Trump has spent his briefings touting dangerous miracle cures and spreading misinformation while states struggle to get the resources they need. Meanwhile, Republicans have fought House Democrats every step of the way on protecting workers and getting adequate funding for hospitals and tests.
That's why we need to make sure Democrats hold the House this November. There's no telling how far Republicans will go to leave hardworking people behind. And that's why I'm counting on you to take advantage of this match now, so we don't have to worry after Election Day that we could have done more.
Please give $5 – and have your gift MATCHED, dollar for dollar – to help us meet our critical end-of-month goal, fight back against the GOP's millions and keep the House blue this November!
Thanks, friends – every little bit helps.
Congresswoman Val Demings