New study on legal immigration resolving America's real border problems. Cato Daily Podcast on a case study in warrants for location data.
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August 21, 2019
American Flags Behind Fence ([link removed] )
Legal Immigration Will Resolve America’s Real Border Problems ([link removed] )
The U.S. government has allowed its asylum and border processing system to become overwhelmed. After numerous failed attempts to deter the flow or restrict asylum, the most realistic and humane way to control the border is for Congress and the administration to channel future immigrants into an orderly legal structure for coming to the country. In a new paper, Cato scholar David Bier ([link removed] ) offers five reforms that would make the asylum system manageable again and restore control over the border.
Legal Immigration Will Resolve America's Real Border Problems ([link removed] )
By David Bier
Julian Sanchez on Cato Daily Podcast ([link removed] )
A Case Study in Warrants for Location Data ([link removed] )
An assault in Manhattan leads a prosecutor to get a warrant for cell phone location data from Google. Is this how it’s supposed to work? Julian Sanchez comments.
Podcast: A Case Study in Warrants for Location Data ([link removed] )
Featuring Julian Sanchez and Caleb O. Brown
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Forget “Checkbook Diplomacy” and Bring the Troops Home ([link removed] )
Donald Trump wants our allies to pay more, but outdated overseas defense obligations are the real problem.
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Maryland Case Reveals Religious Discrimination in Education ([link removed] )
It would be better if Maryland had a scholarship tax credit program than a voucher. Then taxpayers could choose to direct their education dollars to religious institutions and get a credit for it, rather than all taxpayers having some sliver go to religious institutions, like it or not.
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How the Government Creates Wealth Inequality ([link removed] )
Sanders and Warren are right to criticize crony capitalism as a cause of wealth inequality. But their big government approaches to social policy would have the opposite effect on wealth inequality than what they may believe.
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