Taken together, the findings suggest that students are experiencing a collective trauma, and that they and their families would benefit from immediate and ongoing support for basic needs, physical and mental health, and learning opportunities. It’s also worth noting that recent events, including the tragic killing of George Floyd, have most likely intensified the impact on young people’s wellbeing. Unfortunately, this heightened need is colliding with a looming fiscal crisis that is already beginning to affect schools and districts. As districts and youth-serving professionals plan for the summer and next year, it will be critical to listen to young people as part of a sustained and evolving response to their needs.
This brief is the first in a multi-part series of research on #HowLearningHappens. Later this month, we will share the results of a qualitative study based on conversations with more than 100 young people participating in six learning settings across the country that are focused on social, emotional, and cognitive growth.