John Michael Cundick in a special live stream
with Howie Hawkins for President 2020
This Tuesday night, June 16, 2020, at 5:30pm, Michael Cundick, the Green Party nominated candidate for Salt Lake County Mayor, and co-host Brendan Phillips, Green Party of Utah, sit down with potential Green Party Candidate for President Howie Hawkins to discuss Green Party values and an action plan on how to unite progressives here in Utah.
Howie Hawkins is an environmental activist from New York and co-founder of the Green Party USA. He was the first to include “The Green New Deal” into his candidacy platform and disagrees with the “party in a party” strategy of democrats. He supports the transition to a one hundred percent clean, renewable energy by 2030 utilizing a carbon tax, jobs guarantee, free college, single-payer healthcare and a focus on using public programs.
Please check out the Facebook event page and RSVP for the event. Also be sure to invite anyone else you think might be interested and share on your page!
Thank you for your support, and for helping to turn Utah green.