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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Tuesday 16 June


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


House of Lords backs NI abortion regulations

The House of Lords has overwhelmingly backed abortion regulations for Northern Ireland despite opposition by the Stormont Assembly.



Abuse survivors’ advocate has 'conflict of interests’ due to role in Catholic church

Survivors of institutional abuse in Northern Ireland have called for the resignation of their Stormont appointed advocate over his "leadership role" within the Catholic church.

News Letter


US Supreme Court backs protection for LGBT workers

The top court in the US has ruled that employers who fire workers for being gay or transgender are breaking the country's civil rights laws.



Next LGBT rights legal battle looms after U.S. Supreme Court victory

The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling protecting LGBT rights in the workplace sets the stage for another major legal fight over the scope of religious-rights exemptions to certain federal laws that could dilute the landmark decision's impact.



'How globalisation has transformed the fight for LGBTQ+ rights'

Much progress has been made in attitudes towards sexual equality and gender identity – but in many places a dramatic backlash by conservative forces has followed.

The Guardian


Church of England’s all-white leadership is ‘not acceptable’, says Bishop of Dover

The Bishop of Dover has condemned the all-white leadership of the Church of England, calling for bishops to "examine ourselves" and make reforms.



Iran restricts contraception due to fall in marriages and population growth

Iran is scaling back access to vasectomies, contraceptives and other family planning services as the regime's leadership launches a campaign to boost the country's population size.

The Telegraph


Nepalese govt forms committee to investigate Dalit killings

The Nepalese government has formed a high-level independent committee to investigate alleged caste-based killings over an arranged marriage dispute.



'Why coronavirus has placed millions more girls at risk of FGM'

As lockdowns linger and economies falter, girls who are out of school are at increased risk of being cut.

The Guardian


'The appeal of ISIS fades among Europeans who returned home from Syria'

Despite initial fears, an overwhelming majority of the returnees appear to be shunning extremist causes so far, and many avowedly reject the Islamic State and its violent tactics.

The Washington Post


Latest from the NSS


Religious campaigners shouldn't be able to veto the refusal of treatment

Christian campaigners have questioned a ruling that allowed a severely ill man to die. Dr Antony Lempert says they're misrepresenting the case – and patients' views are significant when determining their best interests.


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