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** Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 21 August
In the Media <[link removed]>, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.
** Secularism in the media
* Diocese of Chichester: Abuse victims welcome 'powerful report' <[link removed]>
Victims of sexual abuse by clergy in the Church of England's Diocese of Chichester have welcomed a "powerful report" that exposes the "devious" methods used by offenders.
* Cardinal George Pell loses appeal against sexual abuse convictions <[link removed]>
Cardinal George Pell, the most senior Catholic cleric to be convicted of sexual abuse, has failed in a legal bid to quash his convictions in Australia.
* ‘Sikhs and vegetarians who criticise halal meat are not Islamophobic’ – NSS quoted <[link removed]>
Hardeep Singh says a decision to disqualify a GCSE student who criticised halal slaughter was absurd.
The Article
* Man charged with religiously aggravated damage over Birmingham mosque attacks <[link removed]>
A man has been charged with religiously aggravated criminal damage after five mosques were vandalised in Birmingham.
* More than 3,000 Croydon women may be victims of female genital mutilation <[link removed]>
It is thought that more than 3,000 women in Croydon in south London have been affected by FGM.
* Call for more FGM awareness in Redbridge as dozens of victims come forward <[link removed]>
Dozens of victims of FGM in the London borough of Redbridge were seen for the first time by health services last year, figures show.
Ilford Recorder
* ‘Edinburgh should remove religious reps’ voting rights’ – NSS mentioned <[link removed]>
A letter from Neil Barber says religious representatives' role on council education committees in Scotland is an affront to democracy.
The National
* Almost 450 attacks on churches and religious buildings in Northern Ireland over past three years
Almost 450 churches and religious buildings in Northern Ireland have been attacked over the past three years, new figures reveal.
The Irish News
* Homophobia seen rising in European countries without gay marriage <[link removed]>
Homophobia has risen in European countries that do not legally recognize same-sex relationships, while acceptance of gay and lesbian people has jumped in states where they can marry, research released on Wednesday showed.
* Trump steadily fulfills goals on religious right wish list
With a flurry of recent actions, the Trump administration is now winning conservative religious leaders' praise for aggressively fulfilling many of their goals.
The Washington Post
** Latest from the NSS
* NSS urges government to review its language on blasphemy laws <[link removed]>
The NSS has asked the government to review its stance on blasphemy laws amid concern that ministers only criticise their "misuse".
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