Tuesday, June 16th, 2020

Is the ‘Second Wave’ Another Coronavirus Hoax?

By Ron Paul.

Dread the Future? Here’s What Helped Me

By Ira Katz.

The Floyd Riots Mark a Century of Communist Agitation

By Jack Cashill.

White America, Black America, the Set-Up, and the Con

By Jon Rappoport.

Neil ‘4th Turning’ Howe: ‘Our System Is Near the Breaking Point’

By Tyler Durden.

Tucker Versus Woke Mickey

By Paul Gottfried.

Disorders Now and To Come

By James Howard Kunstler.

Manipulating the Masses: Edward Bernays & Why the System Needs Your Compliance

By Mac Slavo.

America’s Newest Gods

By Laurence M. Vance.

The Joys of Diversity and Multicullturalism Have Come Home To Roost

By Paul Craig Roberts.

Examining Critical Theory Put Into Practice

Cultural Marxism.

The Resistance Thrives: 8 Successes Against Corona Communism

By Allan Stevo.

LRC Blog

Political Theatre

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