Thanks for your interest in We Can’t Breathe: Poverty and Pandemic in DC - the webinar presented last week by the DC Poor People's Campaign and NAACP-DC!  

To those who were not able to participate, we offer our sincere apologies. The response was so large that it exceeded the capacity of our Zoom account.

A recording of the event is available here. To get access use password: 2d?77c9&

And don’t forget to REGISTER for the June 20th Digital Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March.

The Mass Poor People's Assembly and Moral March on Washington will be an historic digital event. Across the internet and the airwaves we will drive the vision and agenda of our communities into the heart of the national narrative.

In this unprecedented moment, we must tell the truth about the dire failures of our political leaders. We must also demonstrate that it is the leadership emerging from our communities that is paving a different way forward.

History teaches us that it is exactly in moments like these that a movement of the many is necessary to force the nation into action and that the key to real and lasting change lies in our ability to come together in new and bold ways.

Rise with us by registering for June 20, 2020 and join the broadcast on June 20 at 10 AM EST & 6 PM EST and on June 21 at 6 PM EST at

Forward together, not one step back!

DC Poor People’s Campaign Coordinating Committee

Action Network
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