Biggs for

First the Democrats convinced seven activist judges to overturn the will of the people and legalize ballot harvesting in Arizona... Now they're suing to strike down important safeguards against absentee ballot fraud.

The Dems want universal absentee ballots and ZERO safeguards to stop ballot fraud in Arizona!

John, we're running more than a Get out the Vote campaign. We're running to stop the Democrats from meddling with the integrity of our elections in Arizona. Because if their scheme is successful they'll not only take my seat, they take Arizona along with control of the entire federal government.

The Dems have spent millions - and will spend millions more - on their crooked plot to turn Arizona blue in November. If we're going to stop them, I need your immediate support of $10, $15, $25 or more right away.

The Dems know that at the end of the day, they're the ones who benefit from ballot fraud. And they'll do everything they can to undermine the integrity of our elections.

My seat is on the front lines of our fight to take back the House majority and re-elect President Trump. The stakes are simply too high to let the Democrats get away with this.

Will you tolerate this disgraceful behavior by the Democrats any longer? Help me put an end to their plot to steal our elections by making an immediate donation to keep my seat and Arizona in Republican hands.

Thank you,

Andy Biggs
Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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