Dear John,

The AFL-CIO is organizing a Workers First caravan across the country. Working people across the country will be joining together on Wednesday, June 17, to demand our elected leaders address the health and economic crisis facing our nation. Click here to find a caravan in your area.

The Poor People's Campaign's virtual National Assembly is this Saturday, June 20. We urge everyone to attend. Click
here to RSVP and receive a link.

This Week @CPUSA: Police abolition, defunding, and community control.


Read or watch CPUSA co-chair Joe Sims’ keynote to the National Committee meeting on June 6, where he discusses this extraordinary moment of protest in the midst of pandemic.


Demonstrators around the world protest the murder of George Floyd, while young Communists march in New York City.


June is Gay Pride month. Here are recommendations of movies and books to watch and read this month and beyond.


South Africa is dealing fairly well with Covid-19, but neoliberals are threatening this success.


It’s time for a comeback of the unemployed councils of the 1930s.


The economy is opening up, but workers’ health may be collateral damage.

In solidarity,

Joe, Scott, & Laura
For the Website Collective


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