
Two weeks ago, our hard work to defeat Steve King once and for all finally paid off -- he was defeated in the primary, and thankfully won’t be our voice in Congress next year.

But our new opponent, Randy Feenstra, isn’t a step up. He represents exactly what J.D. is fighting against: the corruptive influence of big money in politics.

Randy takes hundreds of thousands of dollars from special interests. It’s abundantly clear that he will sell his vote to the highest bidder -- corporations, conglomerates, and big businesses -- the very interests that are sucking wealth, opportunities, and power out of our communities.

We’re facing an incredible time in our country: dwindling opportunity in rural Iowa, an unprecedented health and economic crisis, and urgent calls for racial justice and reform. Especially now, we need to do better than someone who’s Steve King without the baggage.

It’s time for someone who will be a voice for farmers. For workers. For students. For teachers. For equality. For justice. For progress. For the future. For all Iowans.

It’s time for J.D. Scholten.

We’ve had a huge surge of support since we defeated Steve King. We’re hoping to make June our best fundraising month yet -- so we’ve expanded our June grassroots fundraising goal to $50,000.

Can you pitch in $5, $25, or anything you can to show that J.D. has a real shot at winning this race?

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We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again -- not Steve King is not good enough.

We need someone who will stand tall for all. Who will lead with the Iowa values we share.

Steve King didn’t represent our Iowa values, but Randy Feenstra won’t do much better. In fact, Randy Feenstra never condemned Steve King for some of his most hateful statements.

That’s not the type of leadership we need. Leadership means bringing people together toward a common purpose, not being afraid to take on those in power, and standing up for what’s right. That’s what J.D. does.

We’re still the underdog in this race. Talking heads on TV and the establishment in Washington may be counting us out, but here on the ground in Iowa, we’re seeing more support than ever. John, can you help this campaign hit its expanded June fundraising goal of $50,000? Every dollar counts.

Thanks for stepping up. Let’s show everyone what we’re made of here in IA-04.

-- Team Scholten  

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Contributions or gifts to Scholten4Iowa are not tax deductible
Paid for by Scholten4Iowa Campaign Committee

P.O. Box 3531
Sioux City, IA 51102