Law enforcement and community leaders aim to rebuild community trust in the
wake of George Floyd’s death.
With Dallas roundtable, Texas Sen. Cornyn and city leaders hope to begin long
march toward police reform
Law enforcement and community leaders aim to rebuild community trust in the
wake of George Floyd’s death.
By Marc Ramirez
Read the full story
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in the Dallas Morning News:
**excerpts below**
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Officials, including U.S. Senator John Cornyn, R-Texas, seated right, and
Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson, second from right, participate in a law enforcement
roundtable on Friday at City Hall in Dallas. (Ryan Michalesko/The Dallas
Morning News)(Ryan Michalesko / Staff Photographer)
Conceding the scope of the task ahead, Sen. John Cornyn and Dallas city
leaders held a roundtable discussion Friday to begin the process of rebuilding
trust in law enforcement locally and nationally in the wake of George Floyd’s
killing last month.
“We’re at a dangerous tipping point in our country,” Cornyn said. “We need to
regain the trust of the entire population in the people who put their lives on
the line.”
The roundtable event, held at Dallas City Hall, included a dozen law
enforcement and community leaders invited by Mayor Eric Johnson, who described
the issue of police brutality as “a branch on the tree of racial injustice.” It
came a day after President Trump visited Dallas and hosted his own roundtable
on race and policing that did not include the top law enforcement officials in
the city.
Friday’s exchange featured calls for improved police training in dispute
resolution and de-escalation techniques, as well as more social interaction
between officers and the communities they serve.
The mayor said he had convened the participants knowing they wouldn’t all
necessarily agree on the path forward.
“We have to be willing to have our viewpoints challenged,” he said. “Policy
change is not something to be made in an echo chamber.”
What they could all agree on was that the status quo was unacceptable after a
history of police brutality brought to a head by Floyd’s very visible death.
Cornyn did cite two things he hoped to achieve at the federal level after the
day’s discussion, including the compilation of a national registry of “bad
officers” so that those culpable of misconduct don’t simply move on to other
He also said he hoped to convene experts to address Congress about best
practices in law enforcement that could help influence national reform.
“This is not the end,” Cornyn said. “We will continue to work together and
hopefully heal our country.”
Cornyn Seeks Police Reform Input in Dallas
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Cornyn has been asked to suggest possible changes in Federal law in the US
Senate, so he asked Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson to assemble police, community and
church leaders for Friday’s meeting.
After hearing from all the speakers, Cornyn said the one recommendation he is
prepared to make is appointing a national panel for additional discussion of
police reform.
“I do think that would be useful in addition to everything else we are talking
about to have this national, bipartisan commission. Look at our criminal
justice system, come back to congress with concrete recommendations about what
it is we can and should do,” Cornyn said.
Watch the full story here
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