The federal government continues to quietly put out a call for Ebola screeners at airports including Dulles International Airport in the Washington area, as migrants from an Ebola-afflicted region in Africa settle in the United States.
Preparations Quietly Made to Screen for Ebola at US Airports
Source: The Epoch Times
The federal government continues to quietly put out a call for Ebola screeners at airports including Dulles International Airport in the Washington area, as migrants from an Ebola-afflicted region in Africa settle in the United States.
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Background Notes from Judicial Watch
Trump Ends Obama's Ebola Amnesty
Source: Judicial Watch
 The Trump administration is eliminating one of Barack Obama’s many outrageous amnesty initiatives, this one involving illegal immigrants from African countries affected by the Ebola virus a few years ago. 
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U.S. Illegally Dispensed $60 Million to Combat African Ebola Crisis
Source: Judicial Watch
In its crusade to tackle the Ebola crisis in Africa the Obama administration violated its own laws by frantically doling out tens of millions of dollars to leftist groups that claimed they could help control the virus from spreading in the continent’s western region. 
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Judicial Watch Exposes Obama Ebola Plans
Source: Judicial Watch
Contrary to what President Obama and other top government officials have said, the Ebola crisis appears to be getting worse in the U.S. Judicial Watch is striving to pry loose the truth from reticent federal agencies that have a responsibility for public safety and our national security.
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