Dear John:
I am writing to invite you to a special webinar Wednesday, June 17 at 11AM (EDT).
C-Fam experts will discuss the current state of the life issues at the United Nations, successes and failures.
As you know, C-Fam has played a central role in the UN life debates since our founding in the summer of 1997.
Speakers will include Stefano Gennarini, J.D. who UN delegates have relied on when new documents are under negotiation. Stefano knows all the tricks of the abortion proponents and assists governmental delegations in stopping them and defending the unborn child.
Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D. will discuss the development of the term “reproductive health” and how C-Fam has made the term controversial again.
You will have the opportunity to question the panelists.
In order to join the webinar, just click on this link below:
And then enter the password: 652569
You may also join the webinar in other ways:
iPhone one-tap :
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Webinar ID: 859 7407 8734
Password: 652569
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I am looking forward to having you join us this coming Wednesday at 11AM (Eastern).