Dear Family of the Rebellion, We have three faithful steps towards #FireAllRacistCops that you can take TODAY: -
Sign #FireAllRacistCops Petition. -
Tweet the #FireAllRacistCops Petition and tag 5 people. Feel free to include your local sheriff, mayor, city councilpersons! -
Donate to #MasksForThePeople, an effort to provide hand sanitizer and masks to essential and underserved black communities at greatest risk as the threat of COVID-19 remains! Please take the time to lift the holy texts within your faith tradition that help guide your actions, thoughts and behavior to address and rebuke anti-Blackness. Here is a Faithful Word in the Christian tradition as an example: Matthew 15: 1-9; Religious scholars came to Jesus all the way from Jerusalem, criticizing, “Why do your disciples play fast and loose with the rules? But Jesus put it right back on them. “Why do you use your rules to play fast and loose with God’s commands? ...You cancel God’s commands by your rules. ...These people make a big show of saying the right thing, but their heart isn’t in it. They act like they’re worshipping me, but they don’t mean it. They just use me as a cover for teaching whatever suits their fancy.” |