Dear John,
Today, Transgender Law Center paused to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision that denies employers the right to fire LGBTQ employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
But we cannot forget that this victory comes in the midst of nationwide protests against the ongoing murders of Black people, including the murders of two Black trans women, Dominique “Rem’mie” Fells and Riah Milton last week. These powerful uprisings against police brutality across the nation have spurred a necessary conversation on the priorities of the LGBTQ movement. This historic Supreme Court opinion comes also in the middle of an unprecedented global crisis, a time during which our communities are holding so much grief and rage. We pause to celebrate, but know that our work is far from over.
If you’re a trans person reading this, we know that SCOTUS even debating our rights is not easy to bear. We extend our love to all of you. Take some time to celebrate today. Aimee Stephens didn’t get to witness this victory, but this couldn’t have happened if she didn’t choose to fight for her rights. We know you’re celebrating up there, Aimee.

The fight to protect LGBTQ rights in the workplace and elsewhere is part of the fight to defend Black lives. We know that had SCOTUS ruled against us, Black trans people would be harmed most. We take a moment to celebrate, while we know that to make this victory meaningful we must ensure Black trans people’s leadership and guidance are centered. Our victory is the result of decades of tireless work on the part of Black trans ancestors.
We also know that our liberation does not lie in a court decision or the law. As Tiara Gendi, a steering committee member of the Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project, has stated: “We have never depended on the Supreme Court to give us what we deserve, but we celebrate today and remind the world that this opinion requires that we lift up Black trans women and Black trans femmes as the leaders that we are. By investing in the brilliance, skill, education, recruitment, and retention of Black trans women and Black trans femmes, we will create the conditions necessary for us to thrive and lead solutions for social, economic, and political change.”
Together in the movement,
Kris and the TLC team