We must elect more progressives to Congress. These three candidates are facing primaries soon and need our support.

Friends -

It is not an accident that Congress is now a bolder and more progressive institution than in past years. Together, we've made that happen by taking on the political establishment and electing some great progressive leaders. We've got to continue that progress.

Today we’re writing to ask if you can split a contribution between three progressive candidates for Congress with primaries coming up very soon:

We'll explain more below, but if you can add your contribution today, please contribute $5 here:


Charles Booker is a progressive running for U.S. Senate to defeat Mitch McConnell in Kentucky. He is currently the youngest Black legislator in the state and supports the issues that were at the center of our campaign, including Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, getting big money out of politics, criminal justice reform, and relieving student debt.

Charles led the Louisville response to the police murders of Breonna Taylor and David McAtee and met with state leaders on how to best hold police accountable. He was also out in the streets in Louisville, speaking at protests and standing in solidarity with Black Lives Matter activists.

His campaign has gained a ton of momentum in the last few weeks and now it is up to us to come together to help him win his primary on June 23.

Arati Kreibich is running for U.S. House in New Jersey’s 5th District. She is currently a member of Glen Rock’s City Council, and has prioritized fighting climate change and moving her community to clean energy.

As a neuroscientist, Arati conducted research on opiate addiction and after working directly with pharmaceutical companies, she gained a clear understanding of the major shortcomings of our for-profit healthcare system. She understands that health care is a right for all, and not a privilege for the wealthy few.

Arati decided to take on the incumbent Democrat in her district because she knows that this moment requires bold, progressive leadership. Now is not the time to think small. If we come together to elect Arati, we will have a member of our movement fighting for our values in Congress.

Beth Doglio is running for U.S. House in Washington’s 10th District. She is a true progressive who understands that we can’t accept the status quo on climate change and has made her state a leader in addressing the climate crisis and developing a clean energy economy.

Beth also helped lead the passage of groundbreaking legislation in Washington State to provide more resources to address homelessness and to empower workers through higher wages and improved protections. And she is no stranger to taking on powerful corporations such as Amazon.

If elected to Congress, Beth will lead the fight for affordable housing, Medicare for All, paid family leave, and aggressive action at the federal level to combat climate change.

We need more progressives representing our movement in Congress. But in order for that to happen, these candidates are counting on our support to win their primaries. That is why we're asking you directly:

Can you split a $5 contribution between Charles Booker, Arati Kreibich, Beth Doglio, and our campaign? Together we will elect a Congress that stands with working people, not the corporate elite.

One of the important ways we must continue building our movement is by electing progressives at all levels of government. Thanks for adding a contribution today to send these candidates to Congress.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie