Policing, Incarceration, Homelessness, & COVID-19
People experiencing homelessness, especially people of color, face a far greater risk of being targeted, profiled, fined, arrested, harassed, violated, and incarcerated for minor offenses than other Americans. 
From targeting to arrest to incarceration to long-lasting collateral consequences of conviction, using law enforcement to address homelessness only results in the further marginalization of people experiencing homelessness and elongating their time on the streets.
As our nation has conversations about defunding the police and reinvesting in housing and social services, join us Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT as we discuss why it is so important not to have law enforcement as our first response to homelessness, and what alternatives look like.
This webinar will feature:
  • Marc Dones (they/them/theirs), Executive Director of the National Innovation Service (NIS)
  • Joshua Tom (he/him/his), Interim Executive Director/Legal Director of ACLU of Mississippi
  • Melissa Anoh (she/her/hers), Program and Networks VISTA Fellow of the Law Center
  • Carlton Martin (he/him/his), Pro Bono Manager of the Law Center
To view previous webinars and see planned ones, please visit nlchp.org/resources/webinars/.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
This biweekly webinar series will share the actions and legal strategies needed to ensure a right to housing both during the COVID-19 and moving forward. Keep an eye out for future themes and speakers! 
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Address postal inquiries to:
National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036