Dear John,
We are just five days away from the Mass Poor People's Assembly and Moral March on Washington Digital Gathering, and we need your help! Sign up below to make art, send texts and make phone calls.
Use our Digital Toolkit to spread the word far and wide to invite your friends, family, community and networks to what is shaping up to be a massive, generationally transformative event.
Now, more than ever, we must come together – accepting death is not an option anymore!
We Rise Together Virtual Art Build
Join us today, June 15th, at 9am PT / 12pm ET to learn tips for how to make Window Signs, Sidewalk Chalk Messages, Repurpose Yard Signs and more as we come together this week and spread the word about June 20, 2020!
We will be joined by movement artist, David Solnit, who will guide us. Please have art materials with you so we can create together!
It’s time to get on the phones!
Can you give a few hours this week to text people around the country about the Mass Poor People's Assembly?
Sign up for a 30-minute training tonight at 7:30pm ET / 4:30pm PT and you can join hundreds of others in our national textbank!
‘America, Accepting Death is Not an Option Anymore!'
"When we all heard George Floyd say “I can’t breathe,” it was as if the democracy itself took a collective gasp and so many people who’ve seen so much death said, “I can’t breathe either.”
Listen to the Rev. Dr. William Barber's full sermon, ‘America, Accepting Death is Not an Option Anymore!' given live from the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. on Sunday June 14th.
Poverty Amidst Pandemic Special on MSNBC
Yesterday, Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, joined Joy Reid, and state leaders from across the country for a special on the double crisis of pandemic and poverty and how poor & low-income people are being impacted, and fighting back. Listen to a highlight here...
'We are Called to Be a Movement'
Rev. Dr. Williams Barber's rousing sermon 'We are Called to Be a Movement," implores us to come together and renounce the politics of rejection, division, and greed – to lift up the common good, move up to higher ground, and revive the heart of democracy. It is now available as a published book from Workman Publishing.
Forward together, not one step back!
Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis
Co-Chairs, Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival