Situation critical for sheep: can you help?

Animals Australia He's not 'cargo' — he's someone worth fighting for.

Right now, there are 50,000 sheep like him in Western Australia who could be hours away from being loaded onto a live export ship destined for Kuwait — despite the Northern summer shipment ban being in place. Some of these animals would not survive; all of these animals would suffer.

Sheep like him are waiting for their fate to be decided - please help urgently today

Help protect them »

This mammoth export ship wasn't meant to sail. In fact, new regulations banned any live shipments from June 1 due to the extreme risk of heat stress and death that those on board would face. But, unbelievably, an exemption was granted citing commercial consequences for the Kuwaiti exporter.

We've worked day and night with our legal team to prepare an urgent application to have the decision quashed, and our case is currently being heard in the Federal Court.

Like you, we are so tired of this industry being a law unto itself and the welfare of animals being a secondary consideration — even when it means putting them at risk of cooking alive.

Our hearing in the Federal Court continues Tuesday morning, with the judge set to decide on whether this exemption was legally valid. But what is so clear is that the fact these animals even have a chance of being saved from this horrific journey is because of you and your support of our work.

Please support our urgent action fund for the animal victims of the live export trade.

Please give now »

Evidence from routine live export journeys exposed in 2018 revealed Australian sheep suffocating in excrement and 'cooking alive' due to extreme Northern summer heat

You can help protect other sheep from 'cooking alive' on live export ships. We will never give up and you're the reason that's possible.

By supporting this action fund with a monthly donation, you'll be the reason we can launch immediate legal action for animals, as we have this week. You'll place our investigators in the field where animals need them most at short notice, and you'll help us act on every opportunity to dismantle this cruel trade.

As you know, Animals Australia's investigations and our willingness to take legal action have been critical in calling this industry to account, achieving regulatory reform and protecting animals from suffering.

Help end live export »

As long as live export cruelty continues, so will our work to end it. But we can only do this with your help. If you can, please give to support our live export action appeal today, so that we can continue to be a voice for every animal within this global trade in suffering.

Thank you,
Lyn Lyn
Lyn White AM
Director of Strategy

P.S. Your kind donation will sustain our investigations, exposés and legal action to help animals who would otherwise have no one.

P.P.S. My commitment to you is that every dollar you so generously donate will help create lasting change for animals, wherever they need us. Thank you so much for your unwavering support.

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