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** Global cooperation to boost socio-economic recovery post COVID-19
COVID-19 has exposed the deep divides in the society. Our UN75 dialogues have discussed global cooperation in the face of a pandemic, building an inclusive society ([link removed]) and the urgent need for climate action to ensure healthy lives, societies and planet ([link removed]) .
Our third UN75 dialogue ([link removed]) on Wednesday, 17 June at 9:00am EST will focus on the current deepening of inequalities and on how to creatively respond to the[DEL: :DEL] socio-economic crisis and build a new economic paradigm that serves all.
* Ana Saldarriaga | Global Leadership Fellow, World Economic Forum
* Cindy Pearl Maphumulo | Managing Director, The Business Development Agency and Lead, Africa
* Nisaa Jetha | In-House Counsel, Alta Semper Capital
Guest Speakers
* Natalie Samarasinghe | Chief of Strategy, UN75
* Marina Ponti | Global Director, UN SDG Action Campaign
* Arrey Obenson | CEO, Transformunity
Register for the UN75 Dialogue ([link removed])
** Other ways to take action
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Many have been inspired by the MY World 360° immersive stories and are keen to get the community involved. By hosting virtual screenings and discussions of these inspiring stories, you can inspire action and start a butterfly effect towards tangible change. With our MY World 360° partners, we've compiled a new Screening Guide featuring 27 stories from around the world that inspire action for the SDGs.
View Screening Guide ([link removed])
The Global SDG Accountability Survey has been launched as part of the Campaign for a Decade of Accountability for the SDGs, with the aim of mobilizing individuals and organizations and seeking greater commitments and accountability by governments and leaders across sectors toward 2030.
Responses will be gathered into a ground-breaking SDG Accountability Report, with tangible insights and recommendations for advancing accountability for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Share ([link removed]) the survey with your networks and respond to ensure that your view and perspective is reflected. Respond by 31 July.
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Take the survey ([link removed])
** Don't miss out!
* The UN SDG Action Awards is open for submissions. Have you and your team done something extraordinary either underway or that is emerging from the pandemic to drive transformative change for the SDGs. Do you know of a project that has? Apply by 19 July ([link removed])
* We are calling creators all over the world to capture actions that are making a difference in response to COVID-19, thereby sharing their vision of a post-pandemic world that meets the SDGs. Use any type of media to make the story immersive and bring the global community closer together. Submit media by 19 August ([link removed])
Stay up to date with news, announcements and the best stories from the SDG Action community and help us spread the word.
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