The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)’s defense of qualified immunity is, at best, misleading, counter‐productive, and short‐sighted, and at worst, full of outright misrepresentations.
If we want to avoid future outbreaks of violence and discontent, we must do so in a way that fully empowers members of those communities to control their own lives and rise as far as their talents can take them.
The problem with K-12 education funding in America today isn’t the overall amount of dollars going into government schools, but how those dollars are allocated by school districts.
In a series of posts to follow, I hope to introduce my readers to evidence casting doubt on the view that New Deal programs ended, or mostly ended, the Great Depression.
Although the law lies in our midst mostly unnoticed, its protectionist origins and the economic burden it has placed on the United States cannot be forgotten.