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A petition calling on the UK government to make LGBT conversion therapy in the UK illegal has, at the last count, been signed by almost 116,000 people – more than enough to trigger a debate in parliament. Our recent campaigning on this issue is referenced.
Brighton and Hove will encourage primary schools to teach LGBT-inclusive sex education above and beyond what will be required by the government from September 2020.
The first Australian trans-led legal service for trans and gender diverse people has already had an influx of clients seeking advice over the government's proposed religious discrimination legislation, even before the legislation has reached parliament.
The recipient of this year's Richard Dawkins Award, Javed Akhtar has been an avowed atheist and an untiring critic of fundamentalism, communalism, and superstition.
'Angels, Muslim saints, and soldiers disappearing into fluffy white clouds. The tour guides are rewriting history and the secularists are none too happy.'
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