Monday, June 15th, 2020

Which Side Committed Treason in the ‘Civil War’?

By Thomas DiLorenzo.

Interview Most Foul: on the Assassination of President Kennedy.

By Edward Curtin.

Seattle’s CHAZ: Homesteaders or Illegal Squatters?

By Jeff Deist.

My Philosophical Evolution

By Robert Mish.

Jean Raspail, Author of ‘The Camp of the Saints,’ RIP

By Steve Sailer.

Why Take Away Sports?

Because riots were desired.

Social Distancing Damages Children

By Liz Cole.

An Eye-Witness’s Shocking Account of What’s Really Happening During the Seattle Riots

By Daisy Luther.

Scott Adams Has Had a Brilliant Insight About the Demand for Reparations

By Andrea Widburg.

Waltzing With Taki

By Taki Theodoracopulos.

Russia Aiming To Realize Greater Eurasia Dream

By Pepe Escobar.

Deconstructing Bill Gates’s Agenda

By Dr. Joseph Mercola.

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