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Dear John,

As students head back to school, we're reminded that educating our young people is one of the most important things we do as a country. Yet a college degree remains out of reach for so many Americans, and those who do pursue higher education are leaving with a mountain of student loan debt.

At a time when college has never been more important or more expensive, Senator Chris Coons is dedicated to making college more affordable. Chris introduced the bipartisan Student Loan Tax Elimination Act, which would remove a hidden tax on federal student loans and save borrowers thousands of dollars. This legislation is a concrete, meaningful step we can take to reduce the student loan burden for students in Delaware and across the country.

In order to compete and participate in the modern economy, we must work to make a high-quality, affordable college education accessible to more American families. Add your name today if you agree that we need to take action to reduce the cost of college.

Too many students are facing a choice that they should never have to make: pay the price for not getting a degree or do what it takes to go to college, but run the risk of getting saddled with debt. That's a choice we shouldn't accept.

This crushing financial burden is preventing an entire generation of young people from starting families, buying homes, and saving for retirement. The student debt crisis isn't just holding back young people, it's also dragging down our economy.

Chris is tackling the student debt crisis head on. If you're ready for more affordable and accessible college, add your name today.

Thank you,

Team Coons

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