48 HOUR DEADLINE: You're receiving this exclusive survey because our records show you've played a critical part in winning 1 or more campaigns to stop taxpayer-funded animal experiments. Please complete this survey within 48 hours to ensure its statistical integrity.
You're receiving this exclusive survey because our records show you've played a critical part in winning 1 or more campaigns to stop taxpayer-funded animal experiments. Please complete this survey within 48 hours to ensure its statistical integrity.
From the National Institutes of Health, to the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, to even the Dept. of Justice, we fight on your behalf wherever animals and taxpayers are abused by wasteful government spending.
The new fiscal quarter begins in just a couple weeks.
... and Taxpayer, we need to make these strategic decisions FAST.
As one of our closest supporters, you've been pre-selected to take our Q3 Taxpayers Priorities Survey:
SURVEY ID: #5762
STATUS: Pending

Justin Goodman
Vice President
White Coat Waste Project