America: A Racist Nation?
By Andrew Bernstein
The recent murder of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis was ghastly and reminds us of the hideous racial injustice directed against black Americans in the nation's past.
George Floyd Protesters Seek a ‘Diverse’ Police Department — But Will That Matter?
By Larry Elder
The racial "diversity" achieved by city police departments, as in New York City and Los Angeles, has not and will not stop charges of "institutional racism" as long as many of the "reformers'" true intent is for black criminals to go unpunished.
The True Plight of Black Americans is Not “Systemic Racism”
By Walter Williams
The true plight of black people has little or nothing to do with the police or what has been called "systemic racism." Instead, we need to look at the responsibilities of those running our big cities.
Let Them Risk Their Lives
By John Stossel
We adults should be allowed to make our own decisions about what we do with our own bodies.
Big Tech Giant “Monopoly” Power is Overhyped
By Donovan Choy
The tales of MySpace, AOL and Yahoo’s fall from glory shows how spectacularly wrong tech analysts can be, and how complex the machinations of a market economy are.
What The Protests Are Protesting
By George Reisman
The “protests” are not against the death of George Floyd. His connection is no greater than the length of the fuse needed to set off a vast accumulation of explosive hatred for the United States, the capitalist economic system, and rationality itself.
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