![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, I wanted to make sure you saw Dr. Paul's recent column on the lurking dangers when "medicine merges with the state." It's an important read. Especially with the CDC releasing new guidelines Friday and saying new COVID cases might require more "mitigation measures." And with The New York Times running headlines like "Fauci Warns That the Coronavirus Pandemic Is Far From Over." I hope you'll take a moment to read Dr. Paul's illustration of why medical advice that comes from government "experts" must always be viewed with an eye toward the politics at play. Thanks to the support of liberty-loving patriots like you, I'm proud to say Campaign for Liberty is doing all we can to keep you informed about looming assaults on your freedom and your livelihood BEFORE the Big Government statists launch them. After all, getting caught off guard can lead to disaster. Take Dr. Paul's warning about the coming battle over another round of CORONA-Y-ISM spending. C4L was virtually alone in warning politicians in BOTH parties wanted to yield to the D.C. "Swamp" when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rammed her latest spending monstrosity through the House last month. The mainstream media and the rest of the political class parroted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's declarations that this behemoth was "dead on arrival." But C4L got out in front and began fighting back. And as Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton highlighted again on Friday, we hadn't seen the last of "elite" bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci ginning up fear and panic when states began opening up. Norm noted, "It's no coincidence Dr. Fauci is back stirring up fear and panic in front of the national media elites’ cameras this week." And echoing Dr. Paul's warnings, stated "the Washington, D.C. "Swamp" political industrial complex is ratcheting up their operations to loot more of Americans' wealth under the guise of so-called "rescue" from the coronavirus chaos they spun up!" And it's definitely not a coincidence POLITICO quoted White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett's latest war-mongering on coronavirus Friday. Hassett stated, “For sure, the battle is not over,” before saying Dr. Deborah Birx warned this week, “there are some embers flaring up in a few places.” That's the same economic advisor leading the White House faction pushing for more, more, more, CORONA-Y-ISM spending. Of course, you and I both knew Drs. Fauci and Birx would trot back out to set up more plundering of Americans' wealth after the CDC refused to condemn Black Lives Matter protests that led to violence, and looting in cities worldwide. And Dr. Paul nails down why in his column -- there's almost always politics at play. So please take a moment to read it and after you do, I hope you'll consider chipping in $50, $25, $10, or whatever you can afford to support Campaign for Liberty’s efforts to FIGHT BACK against the Big Government statists' assaults on liberty. In Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Coronavirus Shows Why We Need Separation of Medicine and State! By Dr. Ron Paul, M.D., C4L Chairman June 08, 2020 It seems like
only yesterday. Americans were denied the right to go to their churches. They were denied the right to visit their loved ones in the hospital. They
were denied the right to open their businesses and go to work to provide for themselves and their families. They were denied the right to go to
restaurants, to bars, to hair salons. No laws were passed denying these rights. Even that would be illegal and immoral. But what happened was worse. They were denied these basic rights by governors, county judges, and even local mayors who used the coronavirus outbreak as an excuse to rule by decree. They stole power that was not theirs to take and wielded it at all levels to force America into three months of house arrest. Then, in the midst of stay-at-home orders across the country, the same governors and local officials who locked Americans in their homes suddenly came around with their keys and threw open the doors. Suddenly not only was it OK to go out into the street, it was required to go out into the street! What happened? A cure? A miraculous vaccine? No. The officials who locked Americans up found a cause they felt required Americans in the streets to protest. Police had killed a black man, George Floyd, in their custody in Minneapolis and suddenly the need to protest trumped the need to “stay home, save lives.” Suddenly the same health “experts” who told us we must not gather in crowds or there will be death in the millions from coronavirus issued statements supporting gathering in crowds. An open letter on the George Floyd protests signed by more than 1,200 doctors and other health professionals clarified that they “do not condemn these gatherings as risky for Covid-19 transmission.” However, they wrote, “this should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-at-home orders.” Did the coronavirus develop some kind of superior intelligence enabling it to distinguish between those who were congregating for a “good cause” and those who were congregating for a “bad cause”? Of course not. What has happened from the beginning of this shameful coronavirus episode is the politicization of public health at the hands of authoritarians. Two prestigious medical journals, The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine, were forced to retract studies they had published concluding that Hydroxychloroquine was harmful to Covid patients. The rush to print the studies looks very much like a political move rather than one based on scientific principles. Once President Trump revealed that he was taking hydroxychloroquine the mainstream media and even “expert” journals began attacking the drug. This is what happens when medicine merges with the state. We get the worst of both. We get career bureaucrat Dr. Fauci telling us we can never shake hands again and that we must stay home until a vaccine is found. Meanwhile, doctors across the globe are reporting that this variation of the coronavirus is disappearing on its own. We have a tradition of separation of church and state in the United States for good reason. The merger of state and church invites oppression and corruption. We need to adopt this same approach to medicine and the state. We now see how this merger has produced the same kind of widespread tyranny and corruption. chip in → |