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I am running for state superintendent because I want to support our teachers and advocate for our public schools. From the beginning of this campaign, I have been proud to receive so much support from educators, administrators, and union members across the state who believe in public education.

We' are running against a self-funding incumbent who would rather buy this seat than stand up for our schools.

Elsie Arntzen needs to rely on her own deep pockets to win in November because she doesn't have the support of Montana's teachers - not a single teacher has contributed to her campaign.

Think about that. The incumbent candidate running for this seat, a seat that requires you to work with schools across Montana, still does not have the support of the people she has spent the last three years working with.

That is shocking. And unfortunately, the odds of her winning re-election are good. Will you help us compete with Elsie's deep pockets and donate $20 to our campaign today?
Let's send a clear message to Elsie that she can't fool Montanans. This race is about the future of our kids and our state, and it cannot be bought.

I know we can win this if we work together. Thank you for your support,
P.S. I know times are hard for many of us and I understand if you can't donate right now. I hope you'll continue following my campaign while you take care of yourself and your family and ultimately vote for me come November.
Paid for By
Romano for Montana, Democrat
PO Box 6985, Helena, MT 59604
Karen Moses, Treasurer

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