Hello —

I’m reaching out today because we have an important deadline coming up and I need your help. But before I ask you to contribute, let me explain why this request matters so much, especially today.

Republican groups are planning to outspend our campaign nearly 3:1 in an attempt to defeat me and our grassroots campaign. Even Donald Trump is turning his attention to Colorado — he recently attacked me on Twitter just as he starts to plan rallies all across the country.

Right now, my team is telling me we are really close to hitting our $100,000 goal before Wednesday’s deadline. But there’s a real chance we might fall short and have to cut our paid media budget next week, which is why I’m asking:

If you’re financially able, can you make a contribution of any amount to help our campaign fight back against these Republican attacks? Your last-minute support can make a real difference as we approach our mid-month deadline:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our campaign is fighting back on multiple fronts with the Republicans trying to mislead the people of Colorado about me and our campaign. But if we stick together, I know we can speak truth to power and flip this Senate seat blue.

Thanks in advance.

— John