Hello — This election is about far more than the petty, partisan politics that dominate Mitch McConnell’s Washington. This race is about what we will accomplish after we flip this Senate seat.

The future of our country is at stake. Our government is rife with division and inaction while corporate special interests dominate the agenda. The only way we can make progress on issues like climate change, health care, and creating an economy that works for everybody is by changing Washington priorities and electing leaders who will bring people together.

I’m running for Senate because climate change threatens our future, skyrocketing health care costs hurt our families, and a broken economy fosters inequality in our country.

Please, if you can, make a donation of $10 or more before our mid-month fundraising deadline. I know times are tough for many right now, so only chip in if you can afford to give. Any amount will make a tremendous difference in turning Colorado blue:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our campaign is in a strong position to flip this Senate seat and put Democrats one step closer to ending McConnell’s Senate majority because of you.

We’re going to have to stand up to a lot of attacks and difficult moments in the months ahead, but let’s never forget why we're fighting in the first place.

Thanks for all you do.

— John