Election Day as a
holiday. Automatic Voter Registration. Election Security. These are
things that we at iVote think are critical to a more inclusive voter
experience. More people voting means that we have real representation
in our elected officials and in the laws that are produced. But as you
know, Mitch McConnell has put a pause on voters rights by not allowing
a vote on HR 1, the bill that would address these things we hold so
Mitch McConnell that this bill deserves attention at last. Sign our
When Congress gets back
from recess, they have a lot of work to do. We think this bill is
something they need to address right away. If the House can pass this
important bill, we want the Senate to pass it too.
It’s time that Congress
make it easier - not harder - for all Americans to vote. Sign
this petition to tell Mitch McConnell that HR 1 needs to be addressed
in the Senate.
– The iVote team
