
Let's help all Americans get back to work.


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Dear John -

It pains me greatly to see my nation seeming to tear itself to pieces. At NumbersUSA, we believe that the most important factor in immigration policy is the numbers. We passionately reject the notion that one racial or ethnic group of people is more desirable than another group. Sometimes we even upset would-be political allies when we reject visas for skilled workers as well as for lower-skilled migrant laborers.

NumbersUSA works for all Americans, regardless of their background (including people born in other countries who are now U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens)! When we are trying to rebuild our economy, and tens of millions are desperate for work, the entire energy of our government should be devoted to helping the American people recover. The claim that there are jobs Americans just won't do, when so many lives are idled, is profoundly upsetting.

How have we as a nation become obsessed with replacing deserving Americans with people who will work for less money? Before the crisis, with low unemployment, many, many millions of Americans still needed jobs. Since I've started working here, I've read letters every week from Americans of every background, writing to tell me that they have no money to donate.

They come from every background, and constantly remind me of those who are unfortunate and largely forgotten. I've read so many moving letters by people who feel they've given their entire lives in service to their nation, but their nation no longer regards their citizenship as anything other than a technicality. People who fought for this country... People who gave up everything to become Americans... People whose ancestors had no choice but to become Americans...

If you can give, please do. These tough economic times have made it very difficult to raise the funds we need to keep operating.

If you can't give, please make sure you still make full use of what other people have made possible through their donations. Don't let their donations go for naught. Inform yourself. Take action.

But if you can give, we need your help.


You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.

John, our leaders are correct to say that we are all in this together, but we do not share equally in hardship.

Today, when so many are truly suffering, it is almost unimaginable that new foreign workers are brought in to take jobs that millions of Americans can do and desperately need.

Just a few months ago, we had the best ever unemployment rate among Black Americans. But even that was a level that -- if it was the rate for all Americans -- would be associated with a recession. Since the economic shutdown, the unemployment rate among Black Americans has gone from 5.8% to 16.8% It's even higher among Hispanics.

In all, 44 million people have filed for first-time unemployment in the last two months.

My question to Congress, to the president, and to the business lobbies which seem to control immigration policy in this country is this:

With millions and millions out of work, why in the world would we allow hundreds of thousands of foreign workers to come in and, in effect, replace our American workforce?

Which group should we be watching out for the most? Americans of every race and ethnicity who've been thrown out of work? Or is our loyalty to businesses clamoring for cheap foreign workers to replace Americans?

Why is this even a question?

Here at NumbersUSA, we are fighting with everything we have to defend American workers, and all those who depend on the salaries of those workers. Help us make a stronger America for all Americans

You can donate three ways:

1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.

2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.

3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.

Keep the faith and don't ever give up!

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Jim Robb
VP Operations

P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].

P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.