This ad for an AR-15 is shocking.


Parkland. Sandy Hook. San Bernardino. Las Vegas. Poway. 

John, these tragedies have one thing in common: Smith & Wesson's Military and Police (M&P) style rifle. This type of assault rifle has been the weapon of choice for mass shooters in America, and it was marketed to civilians.

We believe it’s past time to hold Smith & Wesson accountable. So, we took legal action alongside Everytown for Gun Safety and Fred Guttenburg, father of Jaime Guttenberg, who was killed in the Parkland massacre. Together, we filed a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate Smith & Wesson’s marketing strategies.

We allege that for at least a decade now, Smith & Wesson has targeted its assault rifles marketing to young men enamored with military fantasies – like the 19-year-old Parkland shooter. Their advertising relies upon imagery associated with military and law enforcement, visuals from first-person-shooter video games, and images of children shooting guns.

To market weapons for military and police use to untrained citizens is reckless. Gun manufacturers have a responsibility to prevent tragedies.

We believe Smith & Wesson must end its dangerous marketing strategies. To make sure this message is heard loud and clear, we need your support. Please join us in holding Smith & Wesson accountable by adding your name to our petition!



Remembering 4 Years Since the Massacre at Pulse Nightclub

Four years ago on June 12, 2016, 49 people — most of them young and Latinx — were murdered in the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando. It remains the worst attack against the LGBTQ+ community in U.S. history. Today, easy access to guns continues to make hate lethal. We as a nation must rise up against racism, hatred, and our systemic failures to protect human life. Read our statement and share our graphic on Facebook.

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A Conversation on Preventing Gun Violence with Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY-12) has a historic legacy with Brady — from helping pass the landmark Brady Bill to helping organize the groundbreaking Million Mom March. Join us for a virtual event on Tuesday, June 16, when Brady President Kris Brown and Brady-endorsed candidate Chairwoman Maloney discuss the movement to prevent gun violence.


Brady Outlines Executive Actions the President Must Take to Prevent Gun Violence

Gun violence in America is a national emergency. With November approaching, we have released a new report outlining exactly how a President could — and should — leverage the power of executive action to address our country's gun violence epidemic. We delineated 23 specific actions a President could take to prevent gun violence and save lives. Read our blueprint to learn what we would like to see within the first 100 days of a new administration. 


How We're Fighting For Police Reforms and Racial Justice

We believe that police violence is gun violence. As Americans take to the streets, from coast to coast, Brady continues our local policy efforts around police reforms, racial justice, and gun violence prevention.

Increasing Police Accountability in Colorado 
Colorado is among the first states to tackle statewide police accountability reform in the wake of the murders of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. This week, we were proud to submit testimony in support the Law Enforcement Integrity Act, a crucial bill that would increase police accountability and transparency in Colorado. Read more now.

Opposing "Stand Your Ground" Legislation in Ohio 
This week, lawmakers in Ohio proposed H.B. 381, a deeply harmful "Stand Your Ground" law that would create a "shoot first, ask questions later” model. This bill would allow Ohioans to use deadly force in self-defense — even if it is later agreed that the person acting in defense could have ended the altercation peacefully. Stand Your Ground laws have emboldened racially-motivated vigilantism, like the murders of Trayvon Martin in Florida and Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia. Now more than ever, lawmakers should be looking to reduce violence — not legalize and condone it. Read more.

Investing in Community-Based Violence Intervention in Maryland 
In partnership with the Maryland Violence Prevention Coalition, we're advocating for state officials to invest in evidence-based alternatives to policing, including community and hospital-based violence intervention programs. These efforts address root causes of gun violence, strengthening communities through meaningful engagement. Read more.

Doctors Discuss the Treatment and Prevention of Gun Violence During the Pandemic

Thursday, June 18, at 3 p.m. ET.


Gun violence hasn't slowed during the coronavirus. A recent report found that gunshot wound victims are battling for space in intensive care units. We're convening experts to discuss what trauma doctors and pediatricians are seeing firsthand as the pandemic intersects with our country's gun violence epidemic.

🎧 The Scary Reality of "Ghost Guns"
Sales of ghost guns have been increasing over the last decade, including during the coronavirus pandemic. These weapons require no background check and are assembled from kits that can be purchased online. Learn why these weapons present such a threat to public safety. 


Brady Donor of the Week: Melanie Lundquist of Southern California

Melanie Lundquist says she has always been an advocate for stronger gun laws. After the assassination attempt of President Reagan, Melanie was angry Reagan did not renounce his NRA membership. So when she saw Handgun Control, Inc. (now Brady) was led by Jim and Sarah Brady, she decided it would be a good organization to support. She said if you are going to support gun violence prevention, you should go to the source, and Brady is the source. 

The student’s response to the massacre in 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, gives her hope. Especially the young students who were outraged and decided to take action, like when they registered almost 200,000 young people to vote across the country.

Melanie said her true calling and hobby is philanthropy and activism! Her business card says “philanthropist/political activist.” To learn more about Melanie, read her donor profile.

It's All We Can Talk About': High Schoolers React to Protests Over Police Violence, Ed Week

Plaintiff Argues Website was Encouraging Illegal Gun Trafficking, Legal News

Brady Applauds the California Assembly for Passing a Bill Requiring 'Microstamping,' Brady

This week, we celebrated a huge victory when the California Assembly passed AB 2817 to end the gun industry's boycott on microstamping. 

This win has been a long time coming. Thirteen years ago, California became the first state to enact a microstamping law. The landmark law requires new-model handguns to be designed and equipped with “microstamps,” which provide vital data to help investigators match evidence to guns used in crimes. But here’s the thing — balking at costs, the gun industry has effectively boycotted the microstamping law.

The bill passed this week, called AB 2847, would push the gun industry to comply with the microstamping requirement. It would also limit the availability of older model handguns that do not meet the existing safety standards. We're grateful for leadership by Assemblyman David Chiu. We also thank the Brady California supporters who sent nearly 8,500 emails and made close to 500 calls to their state legislators. We are building support to make microstamping firearms a reality in states across the country.

Thank you @DavidChiu for leading the state assembly passage of AB 2847 to end the gun industry's boycott on microstamping in California. This vital reform will help solve gun crimes!

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“Expanding ‘stand your ground’ in Ohio to include public spaces is a clear threat to public safety, removing reasonable standards that require individuals under threat to react or defend themselves in proportion to the situation. In short, it allows an individual to shoot first and ask questions later. This bill will make Ohio communities less safe and we have the data to prove it.

— Brady State Policy Senior Manager Kelsey Rogers on Ohio’s proposed “Stand Your Ground” Law




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Thank you for supporting the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign is a 501c(4) and donations to the Brady Campaign are not eligible for a tax deduction. We reply on the generosity of donors like you to fund our work to prevent gun violence and create a safer America. 

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