If we want to end white supremacy, we must start by ousting the White Supremacist-in Chief from the White House. Tomorrow (Sunday) on Trump’s birthday: Let’s fill the streets & SAY GET OUT!! In D.C. and everywhere. #BoyBye #BunkerBirthday.
Trump CHOSE to hold his first, dangerous campaign rally during the pandemic in Tulsa, originally calling for it on Juneteenth, a holiday celebrated since 1865 when enslaved people first heard about the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. And in a city where 99 years ago, the massacre of Black Wall Street shocked the world.
Stay in the streets this weekend and/or support those who can!
We’re not just taking a stand here. we’ve got a real shot that massive, sustained nonviolent protest can remove Trump/Pence from office. Change is coming - whether it’s emancipating or the further escalation and consolidation of fascism depends on what we do now and whether we rise to the occasion to drive this fascist regime from power.
Every day, everywhere, everyone who does not want Trump’s fascist future needs to stay in the streets and demand Trump pack his things and go! And this Sunday, give him a #BunkerBirthday he'll never forget. The only force that will stop fascism is us...not an election, Democrat governors, or generals.
Sunday June 14 4:00 pm Protest outside the White House at Lafayette Park
DJ's @DJNativesun @underdogthedj @thevibeconductor

This weekend A #BunkerBirthday for Trump! #BoyBYE #TrumpPenceOutNOW!
Atlanta, Sunday June 14 4:00 – 7:00 pm Forsyth & Marietta Streets at the statue, downtown Atlanta Facebook event
Boston, Sunday June 14 4:00 – 6:00 pm Central Square, Cambridge MA Facebook event
Chicago, Sunday June 14 3:00 pm Diversey Ave. and N. Cannon Drive Facebook event
Cleveland, Saturday June 13, 10:00 am 1937 Lorain Avenue. Assemble for car caravan to protests on both sides of Cleveland
Houston, Sunday June 14 6:00 – 8:00 pm Westheimer & Montrose
Los Angeles, Saturday June 13, 1:00 pm Hollywood & Vine Facebook event
Minneapolis / St. Paul, Sunday June 14, 3:00pm, State Capitol, 75 Rev. Martin Luther King Blvd, St. Paul.
Seattle. Sunday June 14, 4:00 pm Broadway & E Pine Street in Capitol Hill Facebook Event
San Francisco, Sunday June 14, 12:00 – 2:00 pm Powell & Market Facebook event
Washington, DC, Sunday June 14 4:00 pm Lafayette Park vicinity, 16th & H Street NW Facebook event
Help give the world a Trump birthday to remember and a reason to rejoice by donating today. All gifts this weekend will be doubled up to $1000.
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