
We have all watched with our own eyes scenes of police violence and brutality, both here in New York City and across the country.

Swift and substantial action to reimagine public safety and policing is imperative. That includes cutting significant funding from police budgets.

We can, and should, work to cut $1 billion from New York City's police spending in next year's city budget. This is an unprecedented reduction in spending in one year, but it is warranted.

We have already identified savings totaling over $1 billion for the next fiscal year, including reducing uniform headcount through attrition, cutting overtime, shifting responsibilities away from the NYPD, finding efficiencies and savings in OTPS spending, and lowering associated fringe expenses.

While we work to cut spending from our policing budget and reimagine public safety in New York City, we will prioritize the most impacted communities and make sure they have a seat at the table.

New Yorkers are demanding change. One that is long overdue.

With your support, I will absolutely fight for this, and together we’ll make New York City a safer place to live for all of us.

All my best,

— Corey

Corey Johnson
NYC Council Speaker