The massive popular and antiracist reaction to the cop murder of George Floyd in the epicenter of world imperialism has inspired an equally massive reaction worldwide. Hundreds of thousands have marched, not only in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter protests in the United States, but also against local manifestations . . .
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Guess what? The world is on fire! I don’t mean environmental degradation or global warming; no, although that too is true. I refer to protests, not just all across the United States but all around the world. Imprisoned journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal Protests from London to Paris; from Berlin to Nairobi; . . .
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Traducción: 5 de junio – Hace cuatro días, la Casa Blanca pidió al ejército estadounidense que se desplegara por las ciudades norteamericanas para “dominar” las calles. A lo largo de los tres días siguientes, dos antiguos integrantes de la Junta de Jefes del Estado Mayor conjunto de los ejércitos . . .
Continue reading ¿Las tropas USA contra lxs manifestantes estadounidenses? at