We've been off coal for 60 days. It's showing us that a renewable world is possible. It's telling us that we can have a Green Recovery right now.
Green Party of England and Wales


Did you know that we’ve been off coal for 60 days? We’ve gone two months without using any coal to generate electricity. That’s a big deal. It’s showing us that a renewable world is possible. It’s telling us that we can have a Green Recovery right now.

Will you help us continue to fight for a world where coal plants are a thing of the past and healthy air is our only future? YESThe coronavirus lockdown saw a collapse in energy demand. Add to that the sunniest May on record and the country’s solar and wind power has squeezed coal out of the electricity mix.

As Greens we know that the changes we can make do not end there. And that we must seize this moment to bring about a truly Green Recovery that works for everyone. One that will provide far cheaper renewable energy, put a well insulated roof over every head, provide millions of green jobs and revolutionise our transport.

We also know that keeping our Green Recovery at the top of the political and public agenda requires a sustained effort. Can you please chip in today so that we can continue to push the Government to move away from business as usual and build back GREEN? I'LL HELP

Thank you for your support,
Jonathan Bartley

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