In this issue: Star Count results, our new podcast, and road-building 

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Dear John

Back in February, we asked you to help us map the nation’s view of the night sky. An incredible 2,500 people took part, and the results are now in. 

61% of people saw 10 stars or fewer, indicating severe light pollution, and just 3% live in an area with truly dark skies. 

We’ve created an interactive map of everyone’s star counts that shows where the starriest skies were found and where people’s view of the stars is most affected by light pollution. 

How does your area compare? You can find out by exploring the map at the link below. Be sure to zoom in to find your very own star count result! 

Explore the map

Read on for all the latest news from us at CPRE, the countryside charity.

On the airwaves


We’re super excited to launch the first episode of our new podcast - The Countryside Voices podcast. 

Tune in for inspiring countryside stories, expert voices and special guests discussing the work we do to promote, enhance and protect our valued green spaces.  

In this first episode we discuss the beauty of starry skies, our Star Count results, and explore the wonderful world of bats with Joanna Ferguson from the Bat Conservation Trust. 

Listen on our website or subscribe on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Richer green spaces


How would you like to see your local green spaces improved? 

Our new research shows that more than two-thirds of us want to see our local green spaces enhanced with more plants and wildlife.  

By properly investing in our green spaces we can make these spaces easily accessible to more people and invite wildlife like birds, butterflies and bees back where they belong.

Tarmac and be damned


The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent reduction in traffic and air pollution has offered us a glimpse into what life would be like if the private car was not king.  

But the government is still planning to spend £27 billion on new roads, with some of them driving right through protected landscapes. 

We’re calling on the government to scrap these plans immediately and divert that money to areas that improve people’s lives, rather than pollute them. 

Read more from our Chief Executive Crispin Truman.  

Wildlife webcams


While some restrictions have been lifted, many of us are still missing access to nature.

But there’s a wonderful variety of live streaming webcams to help you get your regular dose of wildlife.

We’ve rounded up 10 of our favourite streams for your weekend enjoyment. 

Thanks for everything you do to support the countryside. We wish you, your family and friends all the best over the coming weeks and months.

Calum McGregor

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE The countryside charity

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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