Weekend Edition, June 13-14, 2020

Don’t Read These Books

Says the Deep State.

The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America

By Janet Levy.

Race and Crime in America

By Ron Unz.

Beware This Evil “Covid-19” Phase 2 Plot: Remember, We Are All Disposable Units in the Eyes of the State

By Gary D. Barnett.

The Two Popes on Netflix: The People’s Pope or Praising a Heretic?

By Yvonne Lorenzo.

Vigano on Revolution in the Church

‘From Vatican II onwards, a parallel church was built…’

This CHAZ Idea Is Growing on Me

By John Nolte.

Are You Really Qualified To Homeschool Your Child?

By Linnea Johnson.

How Make Your Vote Count

By George F. Smith.

The Party of Chaos and Falsehood

Article by James Howard Kunstler.

‘Mostly Peaceful Riots’?

By Guy Birchall.

Education Is Offensive and Racist and So is America

By Paul Craig Roberts.

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