Greetings from the UNITED network!
#WorldRefugeeDay 2020 Campaign

Restrictions are lightning across Europe, and we are just starting to see the aftermath of an event that has affected us all deeply.
The scene has followed a predicted script: amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a spike in racism and discrimination, aimed at communities that were already marginalized.
In particular, the migrants and refugees stuck on Europe’s borders are at increased risk. Greece contains refugee camps that have already been declared “unsuitable and dangerous for public health and the environment”. In some parts of these camps, there is one water point for 1,300 people, no soap, and families as large as six sleeping in spaces of 3 meters squared (source: MSF). In such places, measures like social distancing and frequent handwashing are mere wishful thinking. Forty-two thousand people are trapped in entry points along Europe: their movement restricted, their relocation compromised, and their health and safety in danger.
Our updated annual release of the List of Refugee Deaths, contains a harrowing 40,5555 documented cases of refugees who died whilst trying to reach Europe. This list is pre-COVID: how many names will it contain next year?
For this reason, this June 20th on World Refugee Day, UNITED for Intercultural Action, along with SOS MEDITERRANEE, and dozens of organizations and churches from Switzerland, are combining efforts to bring attention to more than 40,000 refugee deaths caused by the Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe, and launching the Call by Name campaign.
In this campaign, we call on leaders of the European Union for humane refugee policies.
And we ask you to join.
Make your opinion count. Take 5 minutes of your time and send a letter to the presidents of the European Commission, European Council and European Parliament president, saying that you can not accept any more human sacrifices.
No More Deaths – Time For Change!
More information on the campaign here.
List of Refugee Deaths here.
Upcoming UNITED conference
Solidarity in Action: Municipalities & Youth take the lead in tackling the #COVID crisis [Working Title]
30th September to 2nd October

Save the date! UNITED is holding its next conference in Uttoya, Norway. In partnership with Congress of Local and Regional authorities of the Council of Europe, ECCAR, and the municipality of Oslo, the upcoming conference, to be held on 30th September 2020, will focus on youth, NGO-Municipality cooperation, and racism.
We currently plan to hold this conference live, but are well-prepared to move it online if the situation in September demands it. However, don’t let that stop you from registering! A registration does not mean mandatory attendance, but it does mean expressing interest, and allowing us to reach out to you.
To register for the event, please fill out this form here.
UNITED joins Erasmus Global Partnerships
UNITED, along with 24 partners from across MENA and Europe, has joined Erasmus Global Partnerships in delivering a joint policy report titled Fostering EU-MENA Cooperation through Youth Empowerment and Innovation to Advance the Sustainable Development.
We especially thank our institutional partners: African Union, Union for the Mediterranean, European Union, Policy Center for the New South, Advisory Council on Youth & Université Internationale de Rabat.
Check out the summary and full report 👉 here.
Stay tuned for more updates from the UNITED Secretariat next month. Until then, #StayUNITED!