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Since the tragic murder of George Floyd at the hands of police, the calls for justice have been loud and clear. Now is the time for policy change and legislative action.

That's why I'm a partner in the effort, along with Kamala Harris and Democratic Congressional leaders, to introduce the Justice in Policing Act of 2020, a set of comprehensive reforms that will create stronger systems of transparency and accountability while bringing needed reform to police departments across the country.

If you're ready for transformative change to America's policing, add your name right now to become a co-sponsor of this new legislation.


As millions of Americans have continued to rise up and unite for justice in every corner of the country, I've spent the past few weeks working closely with Senator Harris as well as the Congressional Black Caucus to develop legislation that will address the unchecked bias and lack of accountability in our nation's police departments.

This bill is just the first step to stopping the gut-wrenching injustices that have taken the lives of too many Black Americans for decades on end.

It aims to shine a light on abuse and corruption by creating a federal database of police misconduct, and strengthening the consequences for such actions by ending the "qualified immunity" that has long protected police officers from being held accountable for violating a person's rights.

It would also prevent the escalation and brutality that killed George Floyd and Breonna Taylor by prohibiting chokeholds, banning no-knock warrants in drug cases, and putting an end to racial and religious profiling.

And finally, at long last, lynching would become a federal crime.

It's been decades since legislation to reform policing like this has been introduced in Washington, and quite frankly it's long overdue. Ending systemic racism will not happen overnight or with one bill, but through this legislation, we can make real progress.

Join me in supporting the passage of these critical police reforms by adding your name now.


Together, let's rise and reform the system so we can end the institutionalized violence against Black lives in America.

– Cory