We are facing some of the most urgent crises in our national history. This week, I joined the Congressional Black Caucus in introducing a comprehensive bill to address the police brutality and racial injustice that communities of color have suffered from for far too long. And while we work to advance that important bill, we can't forget our legislation to address the unprecedented health and economic crisis we are all still facing. We need your help to get the Heroes Act, a far-reaching bill designed to give critical support to those who need it most, onto the Senate's priority list.
Right now, state and local governments are running out of funding to cover coronavirus-related costs, from paying essential health care and emergency workers to providing testing and treatment to everyone who needs it. This bill addresses those challenges and more.
Unfortunately, Republicans and the White House believe they've done enough already. President Trump didn't even acknowledge the terrible milestone of 100,000 dead. He is now more focused on golf, the stock market, and dangerous COVID-19 “cures.” And when Mitch McConnell was asked about the Heroes Act, he said: “I don’t think we have yet felt the urgency of acting immediately.”
With more than 40 million Americans out of work, and 100,000 killed by this pandemic, I believe there’s never been a more urgent time to act. If you agree, please sign my petition today and tell the GOP to pass this critical bill immediately.
The $3 trillion in this bill, which provides $47.4 billion to California and $872 million to our district over two years, supports essential services and relief programs, including:
Paying frontline workers who are being put in harm’s way.
Increasing testing, tracing, treatment, and quarantine measures.
Providing funds and loans to small businesses and nonprofits.
Extending unemployment benefits for all out-of-work Americans.
Offering housing assistance and preventing evictions and foreclosures.
Investing in food security by increasing SNAP benefits.
People who don’t have enough money to buy food, pay bills, and keep up with their rent or mortgage payments can’t wait for Mitch McConnell to have a change of heart. He isn’t going to. We have to act now and help those who are desperately in need.
Please add your name to our petition and demand that the GOP leadership pass the Heroes Act as soon as possible.
Thanks for your help,